Faith,  Forgiveness

Forgiveness is…


Forgiveness is not

  • An emotion.
  • Forgetting the transgression.
  • Trusting again without proof of change.
  • Conditional.

Forgiveness is…

  • Allowing others to be imperfect and loving them despite their imperfections.
  • Dismissing the charges against others despite their guilt.
  • Breaking free from the past with hope of a better future.
  • Being defined by love instead of fear, hate or judgement.
  • A choice.
  • The reason Easter became a national holiday.

Give of yourself today.  ForGIVE someone in your life.

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16 (NLT, emphasis added)

Question: How do you know you’ve truly forgiven someone who has caused you harm? Comment below and help others to grow.

Forgiveness is… first appeared on From Where I Sit. 


  • Amy Hoffman

    Oh. Forgiveness is such a struggle for me when I’m relying on myself to do it (which is, of course, my usual and first reaction). I’ve discovered though that when I’m obedient to God and truly forgive someone, I no longer need or want them to apologize for what they said or did. Sometimes it requires me stating several times that I forgive them before I actually internalize it and mean it. But the true freedom that comes from not needing that apology is so very, uh, freeing.

  • Nathan A. Claycomb

    So very true, Amy. While forgiving someone shouldn’t rely on the condition that they ask, it sure does make it easier. Growing beyond the need for the apology frees you from burden and the control the offender has over you when forgiveness is withheld. Thanks for your comments!

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