• Personal Growth

    Soundtracks – Book Review

    Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking by Jon Acuff My rating: 5 of 5 stars If I drank a cup of coffee for every time I heard a friend say, “You’re overthinking it,” I’d be extremely sleep deprived and shaking…

  • Authenticity,  Fear,  Personal Growth

    Sticks & Stones… and Ducks

    “You walk like a duck. Quack, quack!” I can still hear their taunting.“Do you have webbed feet too?” Few can be so cruel in this world as teenagers fighting for a pecking order.  “And look how he runs! His legs…

  • Personal Growth,  Relationships

    Are you a weed?

    Are you a weed in someone’s life? Has anyone ever said you are useless, unproductive, a waste of time and energy? Have you been called ugly or prickly? Perhaps you’ve felt ripped up at the roots and discarded as waste.…

  • Uncategorized


    Labels are for food, electronics and clothes. Labels are not for people. Extrovert. Networker. Talker. Emotional. Friend. These are labels I’ve worn for decades. While each word describes a facet of my making, they don’t define me any more than nutritional…

  • Uncategorized

    Is “New Year, New You” Even Possible?

    The most popular phrase on television, radio, and every social media channel this week seems to be “New Year, New You!” Car companies, gyms and retailers are touting their products as the solution to your New Year’s resolutions. To me,…

  • Authenticity,  Faith,  Uncategorized

    When Anniversaries Aren’t Happy

    Facebook has reshaped the way our family remembers life events from past years. The social media giant developed the “On This Day” feature that practically sends you back in time to your personal feed on the same date, only years…

  • Authenticity,  Communication

    LIVE video- Is Empathy a Foreign Language

    Empathy isn’t giving up your core beliefs, it’s acknowledging that others have core beliefs as well.  Recently I published this Facebook Live video from Gatineau, Québec. Is empathy a foreign language? Question: Do you consider yourself empathetic? Do you believe empathy is…

  • Uncategorized

    Carefree Freedom

    They didn't witness the towers fall 15 years ago. They didn't see the fiery hole in the Pentagon and the smoldering fields of Shenksville. They don't know what terrorism looks like.